About Me

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I am a junior at the University of South Alabama majoring in Elementary Education. I am also a wife and a mother to my beautiful 4 year old daughter. I am 2 and I live in bay Minette, Alabama. I look forward to being a teacher and I am very ready to graduate.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Randy Pausch - Last Lecture

Randy Pausch begins his last lecture by telling a little about himself and what he has been through. He has pancreatic cancer and has been told he will only live a few more months. In this lecture, he not only gives advice, but, more importantly, he gives inspiration. At the beginning of the lecture, he gives a list of quite a few of his childhood dreams. Throughout the first half of the lecture, he gives examples of how he accomplished each of these dreams. This man has managed to accomplish so much of what he wanted to do in life because he was persistent.and had much inspiration.

The part of his lecture about brick walls is neat. He basically tells us the brick walls are not there to keep us out. Instead, they are there to show us exactly how bad we want whatever it is they are keeping us from. If it is really important to us, we should do whatever it takes to break this wall down. This is true in so many instances--relationships, school, and careers. Anything is possible if we set our mind to it, and I truly believe God never shuts one door without opening another. We should fight for what we believe in and what we want if we truly believe in it with all our heart.

The middle was mainly about how he had accomplished many of his childhood dreams. Some that were far fetched. He inspires you to never give up on any dream you may have. To break through the brick wall and you shall achieve your goal. I have so much respect for this man and I have never even met him. He teaches you to take criticism well and use it to your advantage. To listen and learn from it to prevent making the same mistakes twice.

Overall, this guy is life changing. He is such a gentleman. I loved at the end he takes his wife's hand kisses her and bows with her. I love moments like that. He is an inspiration to all of us and we definately need more teachers like him to give aome oerserverance to those who are lost or who become lost as they grow up. So many children need a "pick me up" such as this type of thing and a motivational speech such as this one to keep them on their journey to dream. Child hood dreams do come true!


  1. I totally cried when I saw the ending with his wife. I ended up looking him up and finding a little bit more about him. He was so upbeat and witty. I loved the video. The brick wall part really go my attention, too. What a great way to look at life!

  2. I agree with you on how awesome he is. I have never heard many stories as Randy's and his was just inspirational. You did a great job of reviewing his last lecture.
